Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yayasan Pendidikan Jayawijaya (a.k.a. YPJ)

Yayasan Pendidikan Jayawijaya (a.k.a. YPJ)

This is the school where I teach!

Here are students fighting to get their snack in the canteen!

Here's a middle school English class
(one of my favorites).

Here's me with some random students in front of the school.

Here are some kids playing some marbles before school. Friday is "Sport Day" (note the sports jerseys).


  1. Love keepin' up with you!! Keep the blog posts comin'!

  2. Hola!
    Just recently we have been studying Cuba in our Cultural Spanish class an one of the activities we are going to do is teach the kids how to play marbles cuban style. I used to be pretty good when I was little so this is going to be exciting. Do you mind if I show my kids this picture of your students playing? I dont know if you notice but the kid is throwing the marble like a pro. Usually it takes a lot of practice before one can hold and throw the marble using that finger combination. Do you play with them? I'll challenge you to a match when you come back!!!!

  3. What is the food like? Do teachers eat at school?
