Monday, June 3, 2013


When I told my Indonesian colleagues that I was heading to Korea for a month-long contract they asked me: "So Miss Leslie, will you be visiting North Korea and teaching them about team building and the 4 Key Concepts (Team, Communication, Trust & Creativity)?" Wow, I thought, these people have way too much faith in me and my abilities!

No, I went to boring old South Korea... no missiles, no nuclear development and no big posturing national leaders. Instead I worked with a wonderfully progressive and friendly International school in the Seoul area, supporting and developing their outdoor education program.

Instructors on top of Mt. Bangteasan

Yummy... The kimchi! Everyday...

The 8th grade class at the completion of their base camp Outdoor Ed experience

The Welcome Back committee! 

I even had some time to visit our good friends, K & B and their 2 great kids in Seoul!
Beautiful Jirisan National Park.
The Korean BBQ was very delicious.
Students all dressed up for their temple-stay experience.

May 17 was Buddha's birthday, so the temples were beautifully decorated

1 comment:

  1. Hi leslie! This is Camille. It is wonderful to see what you are doing and to hear about your life. I wasnt sure if you were still updating this, but I love it when you do. I think about you periodically and often wonder how you guys are doing. Hope all is well...
