Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Catching up...

"Hello!" From some of the kiddos here at our Indonesian school!
Happy Halloween from Bat Woman!!!

And Superman was in the houuuuse!

For Halloween, the Tembagapura community celebrated with a fun day of spooky fun games. We signed up to operate the bobbing for apples station. Many of the families had never celebrated Halloween-North American style- before, but they quickly caught on and had a great time!

It's a rare evening in Tembagapura when you get to watch the sun setting on Mt. Zaagham. 
This is looking at the mountain from in front of our house.

The months of November and December have been absolutely beautiful! Of course, we still have rain every day, but it typically only rains a few hours in the middle of the day and then the sun comes back out. D and I generally enjoy playing soccer, going for walks or fumbling around with a rugby match in the evenings.

Another hike through the rainforest...

Watch out for Bigfoot.  He plays a mean six-string bass.

Breakfast in the backyard...


  1. Awesome, guys. GOod to see more of your life there... wonder about the whole Dec/Nov...are you in the future in Indo? Miss you guys. BTW did NOT get a postcard :(

  2. ;)~ Opps!!! HA, HA, HA! No... it's not December here yet, but it should be a nice month also! Happy belated Thanksgiving to all!
