Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ancient Temples of Central Java

We had started off our Christmas break by going to Yogyakarta, Central Java.

Welcome to Molioboro Street!  (watch out for the becaks)

Prambanan  -  ancient Hindu temple, circa 850 CE

I still have a thing for ancient stone structures.

Then, we were off to Kopeng to conquer Mt. Merbabu  -  a little over 10,000 ft. elevation.

Take a guess at what they serve at this lovely restaurant.  :-)

Started at sunrise.  A beautiful morning!

Great views all the way up.

And a fabulous climbing partner!

No, this is not Mayan, Incan, Aztec or any kind of Meso-American temple!  This is Central Java:  the 
Sukuh Temple, circa 1430 CE.

And a Stony Brook Reunion!!!  My old friend, Henny, from way back when I was an innocent undergraduate.

No, we didn't hit a Star Trek convention.  Javanese weddings are very "interesting".   :-)
And one of my highlights:  Borobudur Temple - a Buddhist temple, circa 800 CE.
Rising in the morning mist, the silent giant looms.

Shout out to WCNI, New London!

Amazing relief sculpture, hundreds of yards of it!
And the Unfinished Buddha...


  1. What a fun adventure! The views are spectacular. I think about you and pray for you often. keep the updates coming
